Halo teman-teman semuanya....
Patut di coba nih..yang mo pake url forwarding yang gratis tapi tetep kereeen kan.. namanya free domain co.cc. Udah aku coba bikin untuk domain bisnis d'BCN aku, dan registrasinya lumayan cepet. Nanti diinformasikan ke email kita, apakah domain yang kita request avaliable atau tidak.
INFORMASI :co.cc domain service
you.co.cc will redirect to your own website.
Both you.co.cc and www.you.co.cc work.
URL hiding / Path forwarding
Compatible with the major search engines and optimized to give you a higher ranking.
For Free
Website Promotion
Free submission to the major search engines.
Compatible with the major search engines and optimized togive you a higher ranking.
Real-time Statistik
Real-time reporting
Detailed information of your visitors including total and average,unique, hourly information, what web site they come from, exact time of visit, and IP address.
Nah kalau Teman - teman mau mencobanya bisa klik disini : http://www.co.cc/regist/regist_step1.php.
Patut di coba nih..yang mo pake url forwarding yang gratis tapi tetep kereeen kan.. namanya free domain co.cc. Udah aku coba bikin untuk domain bisnis d'BCN aku, dan registrasinya lumayan cepet. Nanti diinformasikan ke email kita, apakah domain yang kita request avaliable atau tidak.
INFORMASI :co.cc domain service
you.co.cc will redirect to your own website.
Both you.co.cc and www.you.co.cc work.
URL hiding / Path forwarding
Compatible with the major search engines and optimized to give you a higher ranking.
For Free
Website Promotion
Free submission to the major search engines.
Compatible with the major search engines and optimized togive you a higher ranking.
Real-time Statistik
Real-time reporting
Detailed information of your visitors including total and average,unique, hourly information, what web site they come from, exact time of visit, and IP address.
Nah kalau Teman - teman mau mencobanya bisa klik disini : http://www.co.cc/regist/regist_step1.php.
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